Lab 1 Introduction to R and RStudio
1.1 Objectives
After this section you should be able to:
- Create projects and scripts in RStudio
- Install and load packages
- Do basic statistical analysis and plots
- Create basic for loops and if conditionals
1.2 Introduction
We will be working with R and Rstudio, a user-friendly platform to use R. So, first you will need to download both R and RStudio.
R is open-source and free programing language. This means that everybody, and I mean all of us, can collaborate, create packages and share things with others. This also means that everything we make in R is for public use and that, vice versa, we can use everything that anybody did in R.
R is “object-orientated” a programing language. This basically means that most of the “things” in the environment are objects. I will not go deeper into it, but you can read more here. You will see in this class different types of objects. Each type of object has different properties which means we can not do everything with each type of object.
In this class we will give you some data and simple tasks so you can start playing around and get use to basic commands and operators. But first, we will need to establish some common language:
Let’s try to see some of the definitions more commonly used so we can understand them. I recommend you to do some research on your own.
Shell or Terminal: the computer shell is a user interface to access to an operating system’s services. In linux and mac is easier to access. You can read more here.
Programing language: is a language in a wide sense, ie, it is a set of rules in which you can give orders to the computer. A computer basically, computes. Yes, that is why they are called computers. Then, you can use your computer as a calculator, as a table manager, to write text, etc. The idea is that if you know the language of a programing language you can tell your computer to do stuff for you. We will use R language.
Script: a text file that has the code (text in the programing language you are using) you will execute in the computer. In order for this to be executed you need to “copy-paste” the parts of code you wanna run into the shell. We will work in R-studio so this is done automatically with the ctr-enter command.
Working Directory: in which folder (or directory) of your computer you will be running the code. As default R will run in your base-directory. This is the core of your computer. I recommend you to have a specific folder inside the documents folder with each of you projects and to run everything there. We will learn also how to set this up.
Environment: All the objects, functions and everything you have loaded at that moment. This is a short-term memory thing. If we do not save this, everything we did will be deleted after we close the program. It would be like the words you have a in a text file if you do not save the file they will be lost.
Functions: as mathematical functions, this takes inputs and generates outputs. We will see some in this class.
For loop, if, else: this are basic logic operators that allows us to generate specific outputs. We can use it inside functions or as independent.
Package: R has the option to load many premade functions. The R package is a set of documented functions that someone did and put to be available for the rest of the community. We will use in this course many of them like: DeSeq2, ggplot2, etc.
1.3 RStudio world
R Studio has everything integrated. You can have the script, the environment, the actual shell and a useful window to access data and to view the plots and see the manual and description of every function and package.
Here we can create a project in which everything will be integrated. This might not be the most efficient thing in terms of memory use but is the simplest for now. When you start to understand the logic of the programing language I encourage you to run R in different supports like typing “R” in your computer shell and run directly from command line.
Regarding RStudio see the image bellow:

Figure 1.1: Regular RStudio setup.
Upper left panel: the script. Everything you write here you can just execute by pressing CTR + ENTER.
Upper right panel: the environment.
Lower left panel: the “console”, work exactly as the terminal. Is the representation of the terminal just for R. If you want, you can run other things that are not R in the shell (not the console), if you are interested read this nice article
Lower Right: The multi layer panel that allows you to see and browse the files, plots and help pages.
1.4 Create a project
1. Open RStudio:
Create a project: File > New Project… > Existing Directory > choose the folder.
Automatically this should change the working directory to this folder. However, it is nice to check this we should run the following command:
getwd() #Get working directory
2. Create the script: File > New File… >R Script
Now we can start putting things in the script and running them in the “console” or representation of the shell in RStudio. So, let’s check the working directory and change it if needed.
To run the command, just write “getwd()” and press CTR+ENTER.
This should generate this in the “Console”:
[1] "/Users/skl/Documents/Class/0_class" #here your working directory
Now we know how to run things in RStudio.
- Save the script and the working directory: when you close the project it will automatically ask.
I recommend to save at least the script everytime you can. File > save
1.5 Useful shortcuts in RStudio:
tab: auto-complete
control + the up arrow or command + up arrow: auto-complete tool that works only in the interactive console
control + enter or command + enter: executes the selected lines of code
control + s : save
1.6 Installing and loading packages
When we open R the basic package with all the basic functions is loaded but we will use other functions from other packages. For now, we will start with ggplot2. This is not installed in our computer yet so we have to install it. This is done only ONCE in the computer. Then we need to load it in the current environment. This is done EVERY TIME we reopen R.
install.packages("ggplot2") #only once
library("ggplot2") #everytime we reopen R session
You might have noticed that I use “#” this a good way to add comments to the code. Any line that begins with a “#” will NOT be executed.
We will be using packages that are part of Bioconductor. This is a big repository for biological relevant packages. They are installed in this way:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
install.packages("BiocManager") #only once
BiocManager::install("DESeq2") #only once
1.7 Creating objects
Objects in R are created using the assign symbols: <-
and =
as follows: <- Object.Assingnemet
This means that objects names should start with a letter and should NOT contain spaces. You can replace them with a dot or an underscore.
Objects can be of different class and will be overwritten without any warnings.
If we execute the object name we will access it as better as the Console can do it. For numbers it is simple but you will notice that for other objects it is not.
## [1] 0.5
## [1] "numeric"
If we assign other thing to x
, it will be overwritten:
## [1] 1
## [1] "numeric"
We can create as many objects as we want
## [1] 2.3
## [1] "numeric"
1.8 R as a calculator
R will operate as a calculator for numbers. It has a lot of prebuilt functions. Let’s see one obvious.
## [1] 3.3
## [1] 1.65
We can now apply this sum a new object
## [1] 3.3
And divide it by 2.
## [1] 1.65
Which is the same as doing the mean of x and y.
## [1] 1.65
To create a vector of numbers (or anything), you can just use c(n1,n2), you can also store this vector in a new object.
## [1] 1.0 2.3
## [1] "numeric"
You can now use it inside fucntions.
## [1] 1.65
We can add (append) more elemts to the vector.
## [1] 1.0 2.3 5.0
## [1] 2.766667
1.9 Functions
We can think as functions exactly as we know mathematical functions. They take an input and generate an output.
In R language that looks like this: nameofunction<-function(x){ what the function does }
and the can do literally anything R can do. Math, plot, modify tables, etc.
Lets create a new mean function. We will call is This will take the mean of two numbers. They will be called n1
and n2
return(y) #return is the one part of this function that actually makes it to return a value
#lets see if this works,3)
## [1] 2.5
We can make it even more fancy and print a message<-function(n1,n2){
return(paste0("The mean of ",n1," and ",n2," is: ",y))
## [1] "The mean of 2 and 3 is: 2.5"
We can do now the mean plus 1
return(paste0("The mean of ",n1," and ",n2," plus one is: ",y))
## [1] "The mean of 2 and 3 plus one is: 3.5"
1.10 Loops
Loops are useful to apply a function or an action to multiple objects. We will see for loops
but be aware that another common loop type is the while loop
For loops will go over each element of a vector or list provided. In R language they look like this: for (x in vector) { DO SOMETHING }
. And it literally means that it will go over each element of the vector, each time x will take the value of the element it goes that time and will do something.
#i this is a little complex so lets go one step at a time: i is an object that will be getting the value of each elemnt we go thru
for(x in c(1,2,3,4)){
print(paste0("x is: ",x))
## [1] "x is: 1"
## [1] "x is: 2"
## [1] "x is: 3"
## [1] "x is: 4"
We can now do something more complex inside the loop.
## [1] "c is: 0.5"
## [1] "c is: 1"
## [1] "c is: 1.5"
## [1] "c is: 2"
We can also loop over vectors that are already in our list of objects.
#t is mande of many elements already
#if we want to sum 1 to each element in t and print it out we can do as follows
for(i in t){
## [1] 1.0 2.3 5.0
## [1] 1
## [1] 2
## [1] 2.3
## [1] 3.3
## [1] 5
## [1] 6
This is usefull for other type of lists and vectors
## [1] "i is: a"
## [1] "i is: b"
And we can access it in differen ways:
## [1] "i is: 1"
## [1] "elemnt i is: a"
## [1] "i is: 2"
## [1] "elemnt i is: b"
1.11 Conditions
R assigns using =
and compares using ==
and >
. It can then use if
and else
to generate conditions and actions. This can be more complex by adding AND, OR gates with &
and |
## [1] 1
Compare, equal to:
## [1] TRUE
Smaller than:
## [1] TRUE
Bigger than:
## [1] FALSE
Apply this comparisons to an if/else:
## [1] "c is: 2"
Change the condition:
## [1] "x is too big"
1.12 Character objects
So far, we saw opperations with numbers. But R can have objects with words or characters.
We can have a complex phrase
## [1] "I am a beatufill phrase. Hello world"
Or a vector of character elements:
## [1] "I am a beatufill phrase. Hello world"
## [2] "abcde"
## [3] "67"
## [1] "character"
1.13 Identify
We can operate over them. For example, we can select the elemnt that has certain characteristic. For this we will use grep. This is based on regualar expression.
Lets select the elemnts that have the letter d.
## [1] "I am a beatufill phrase. Hello world"
## [2] "abcde"
## [1] 1 2
Clearly, the fist two elements have the letter d. What if we want to select the one that has it at the end?
## [1] "I am a beatufill phrase. Hello world"
The same can be done for the begining. This of course gives us an empty result.
## character(0)
1.14 Modify
We can modify the objects. We will use gsub
## [1] "I am a beatufill phrase. Hello worlI am replacing d"
## [2] "abcI am replacing de"
## [3] "67"
1.15 Useful resources
- A package to learn R: Swirl
- Support from RStudio: Usefull resource with usefull packages in R
- Girhub: Bioinformatic resources
- Free books: R for data science unix command line 1 unix command line 2 data structure with python